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UbiComp 2006 Open Session

Do you have something you want to say about ubiquitous computing? Do you want to say it at the premiere international conference in the field?

We invite you to submit your work and ideas to a new type of track at the UbiComp 2006 conference - the UbiComp Open Session

More Information about the UbiComp Open Session

The UbiComp Open Session welcomes controversial ideas, novel prototypes, failed but valuable user studies, bold experiments, and anything else that can give a fresh perspective on ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence, information appliances, smart artefacts and mobile applications. We particularly invite submissions that explore technical or practical limitations in current ubicomp technologies; that introduce promising, although currently non-viable, ubicomp technologies; that critique the current state of ubicomp, or assumptions in the field; and that explore topics outside current discussion in the field.

The UbiComp conference is the leading venue to present results in ubiquitous computing. It is also highly competitive, in particular for paper presentations. Therefore we will experiment with a new form of submission and review process, where everything is completely open. We will use a novel on-line reviewing system, from which the chairs will select approximately six submissions to be presented in a high-profile session at UbiComp 2006.

The UbiComp Open Session is:

  • Open format: everything can be submitted, everything will be considered
  • Open reviewing: reviews and discussions will take place publicly on-line and non-anonymously
  • Open presentations: traditional paper presentations are fully acceptable, but if you want to build a system from scratch, perform a stand-up comedy routine, run a live demo, organize an audience participation event, or anything else, feel free!
  • Open for business: come and join us at UbiComp 2006!

Lars Erik Holmquist, Viktoria Institute and IT University of Göteborg, leh@viktoria.se
Barry Brown, University of Glasgow, barry@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Session Chair:
Gregory Abowd, Georgia Tech, abowd@cc.gatech.edu

Mattias Rost, Viktoria Institute and IT University of Göteborg, rost@viktoria.se