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Call for Demos

The Ubicomp conference’s Demonstrations Program offers an excellent way to showcase tangible results of ubiquitous computing research and development to over 500 attendees from academia and industry. A successful demo communicates ideas and concepts in a powerful way that a regular presentation cannot. We invite you to contribute your vision of the ubicomp experience to the Demonstrations Program at the UbiComp 2006 conference. We particularly encourage demonstrations that include participation by conference attendees and provoke discussion about issues within the field of ubiquitous computing.

We seek proposals for demonstrations of ubiquitous computing technologies across the full milieu of everyday life: office, home, street, park, train, automobile, bedroom, bathroom, work, play, desktop, handheld, worn, public, private, community, individual, shared, and personal. We welcome a wide range of submission from scenarios involving innovative solutions of focused tasks as well as playful pursuits.

There will be a special Demonstrations and Poster Reception during the main conference, when conference attendees will be able to interact with demonstrations. Additionally, we encourage presenters to showcase their demos during this conference banquet, which will be held outdoors on the lawn of the UC Irvine campus. This provides a unique opportunity for systems that could benefit from being outdoors, especially those that use GPS.


All submissions will be peer-reviewed to ensure a high quality demonstrations program. Each demonstration will be reviewed by at least two members of the demonstration review committee. In an electronic discussion, the committee will make final decisions on which submissions to accept.
Proposals will be judged on their relevance for the ubicomp community, level of innovation, technical merit, conceptual contribution and the potential to include participation by conference attendees. Furthermore, to make a successful demo submission, you need to have a strategy to present visitors the main points in a short time. You must also convince the committee that you are capable of installing and running the demo at the conference.

Demonstrations do not have the same requirements on originality as papers and posters. It is acceptable to submit a demonstration even if the main points have been published at the UbiComp conference (including this year) or elsewhere. However, the demonstration format should still add significantly to any previous presentations. To make it easier to judge this, you must provide a complete history of previous presentations of the submitted work and work directly related to it.

A demonstration is not the right forum to promote commercial products. In this case, please instead consider becoming a sponsor or exhibitor.


A demonstration submission requires two parts:

  1. A demonstration abstract that describes the technology being exhibited and discusses the novelty and distinguishing ideas or approaches it brings to the ubiquitous computing community. The demonstration abstract will be published in the Conference Supplement and should therefore be self-contained. It should be a maximum of 2 pages, in the ACM SIGCHI conference publications format, including all figures and references. Please make sure that your submitted abstract complies to all the formatting guidelines and is ready for publication, since there will be no time to make major revisions.
  2. A demonstration supplement that details how the demo will be executed in practice, and how visitors will interact with it during the conference. The interaction can be described in the form of a short usage scenario, storyboard sketch, screenshots, illustrations, photos, and/or video documentation. The demonstration supplement should also include the various technical requirements such as preferred setting, space, power, networking, lighting, acoustical, and other special equipment. A demonstration supplement submission template is available at the bottom of this webpage. Demonstration supplement materials are for the purposes of review only and will not be published. A template for demonstration supplements is provided below.

Your submission should be sent as a single PDF file to the following address: demos-2006@ubicomp.org. The subject line should read: UbiComp Demo Submission - NAME OF MAIN CONTACT. The name of the attached file should similarly be: NAME OF MAIN CONTACT.pdf. Links to additional material (videos, etc.) should be included both in the mail and in the supplement.

You will be required to install your demonstration in the conference venue on September 17, and have it packed away by the end of the conference, on September 21.

You are required to have your demonstration up and running throughout the Demonstrations and Poster Reception. In addition, we strongly encourage you to have your demo staffed and available throughout the conference, especially during breaks.

The conference will at minimum provide a space for your demo, a table and chairs, and a power connection. If you need any special equipment you should provide that yourself, including projectors, audio amplification, wireless LAN, etc. Please specify all needs in your demonstration supplement so that we can plan the demo area accordingly.

The SIGCHI conference publications format can be found at: http://sigchi.org/chipubform/.
The Demonstrations Supplement template can be downloaded by clicking here.

Demo Co-Chairs:

Julian Bleecker
University of Southern California,

Khai N. Truong
University of Toronto,

Formats accepted: Please use the SIGCHI conference publications format (see http://sigchi.org/chipubform/). The Demonstrations Supplement template can be downloaded from here.

Abstract Page limit: 2 pages (ACM SIGCHI conference publications format)

Submission Deadline: June 16, 2006
Acceptance Notification: July 14, 2006
Final Version Due: August 4, 2006