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Call For Papers

Submission of full papers is now closed.

Ubicomp 2006 welcomes original, high-quality research contributions in the area of ubiquitous, pervasive and handheld computing systems and their applications. This conference seeks to present novel research results impacting the design and usage of ubiquitous computing technology that migrates beyond the desktop. Submissions should report original research that contributes to our understanding of ubiquitous computing and help advance the state of the art. Examples of appropriate areas of inquiry include:

  • Improving natural interaction (e.g. applied sensing, fusion and reasoning, AI and speech technologies for Ubicomp, increasing machine understanding of human action & vice versa)
  • Constructing ubicomp systems (e.g., systems and toolkit support for constructing, maintaining and deploying and prototyping Ubicomp environments)
  • Embedding computation (e.g. novel user interfaces, computational and sensing/ actuator platforms, assistive technolgies, applied to Ubicomp)
  • Understanding ubicomp and its consequences (e.g. conceptual models, lessons learnt, user studies and results from Ubicomp experiments)
  • Deploying ubicomp technologies (e.g. privacy, security, and trust, real-world and deployment experiences, studies of ubicomp settings)

Ubicomp 2006 seeks papers that reflect the full breadth and scope of ubiquitous computing research, including conceptual development, empirical investigations, technological advances, application experiences, and more. Authors should write for the broader Ubicomp audience, however, and make clear how their work contributes to the whole.

Papers will be evaluated on the basis of originality, significance of the contribution to the field, technical correctness and presentation. Papers submitted must not have been previously published or be under simultaneous review for any other conference, journal, workshop or other publication. We solicit papers up to 18 pages but explicitly welcome shorter papers. All paper submissions will be treated as full papers, but it is important that their length is appropriate for their content.

Papers should be formatted according to the Springer Verlag LNCS format. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by Springer-Verlag as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Authors are required to attend the conference to present their work.

Paper submissions must be anonymized to facilitate blind review. Authors are encouraged to take care throughout the entire document to minimize references that may reveal the identity of the authors or their institutions. Relevant references to an author's previous research should not be suppressed but instead referenced in a neutral way.

All paper submissions will be handled electronically by the EDAS system. Note that submission is a two-stage process - authors need to register their paper first and then submit the final manuscript. Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format and conform to the guidelines specified here. Authors without EDAS user names will be required to register with the system using the same link as above.

Reviewers will be instructed to maintain the confidentiality of all materials for submitted papers throughout the entire reviewing process. Submissions should contain no information that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.

Program Co-Chairs

Paul Dourish
University of California, Irvine, United States

Adrian Friday
Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Important Dates

March 31, 2006, 5pm PST. Deadline.
June 9, 2006. Notification.

Call for Videos

Videos are increasingly becoming an integral part of the UbiComp conference series: they offer the chance to showcase emerging technologies, prototype systems, and new approaches to using ubiquitous computing. Videos are especially useful for illustrating complex systems and new interactions with systems in special environments that would not easily be presented as demonstrations at the conference.

We encourage submission of videos both as new material and as supplementals to paper submissions (e.g., in order to illustrate particular aspects of a system). As with other submission categories, video submissions should not have been previously presented in any other formal video program.

The video program will be shown at a special session at the conference, and will be published on a DVD and distributed to conference attendees (although copyright will be retained by the authors). A panel of international reviewers will review videos for their technical content, interest, and relevance to the ubiquitous computing community. Other important review aspects will be the video's communication effectiveness and production quality.

Accepted electronic submission formats are: MPEG1 and MPEG2, AVI file with MPEG4 (DivX codecs) and Apple QuickTime with high resolution. MPEG2 format is strongly encouraged. For other electronic formats and for tape formats please contact the video chairs in advance. Video submissions should be 4 to 8 minutes long. Longer videos will be subject to stricter review criteria. Rough videos in progress will be considered, but will (if tentatively accepted) be subject to a second review process after final production. If the video is accepted, a high quality format, suitable for DVD production, will be required for the final version.

In addition to submitting a video file, authors must also submit a short paper with a maximum of 2 pages in the ACM SIGCHI conference publications formathttp://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html), including all figures and references, for each video submission (though you don't need to leave space for the copyright notice). This should include the title, authors, affiliations and an abstract of no more than 150 words. Papers of accepted videos will be published in the Adjunct Proceedings that will be circulated to attendees at the conference; they will not be incorporated into the main UbiComp 2006 Conference Proceedings.

Video submissions and corresponding papers should be uploaded to an FTP server; contact Marc Langheinrich via email (langheinrich at inf-dot-ethz-dot-ch) for more detailed instructions on how to access the server."

Louise Barkhuus
Marc Langheinrich (http://people.inf.ethz.ch/langhein)
UbiComp2006 Video Co-chairs

Formats accepted:

  • MPEG (MPEG1 and MPEG2),
  • AVI with MPEG4,
  • QuickTime files

Abstract Page limit: 2 pages (ACM SIGCHI conference publications format, no need for the copyright notice though): http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html

Submission Deadline: June 16, 2006
Acceptance Notification: July 14, 2006
Final Version Due: July 21, 2006

Call for Demos

The Ubicomp conference’s Demonstrations Program offers an excellent way to showcase tangible results of ubiquitous computing research and development to over 500 attendees from academia and industry. A successful demo communicates ideas and concepts in a powerful way that a regular presentation cannot. We invite you to contribute your vision of the ubicomp experience to the Demonstrations Program at the UbiComp 2006 conference. We particularly encourage demonstrations that include participation by conference attendees and provoke discussion about issues within the field of ubiquitous computing.

We seek proposals for demonstrations of ubiquitous computing technologies across the full milieu of everyday life: office, home, street, park, train, automobile, bedroom, bathroom, work, play, desktop, handheld, worn, public, private, community, individual, shared, and personal. We welcome a wide range of submission from scenarios involving innovative solutions of focused tasks as well as playful pursuits.

There will be a special Demonstrations and Poster Reception during the main conference, when conference attendees will be able to interact with demonstrations. Additionally, we encourage presenters to showcase their demos during this conference banquet, which will be held outdoors on the lawn of the UC Irvine campus. This provides a unique opportunity for systems that could benefit from being outdoors, especially those that use GPS.


All submissions will be peer-reviewed to ensure a high quality demonstrations program. Each demonstration will be reviewed by at least two members of the demonstration review committee. In an electronic discussion, the committee will make final decisions on which submissions to accept.
Proposals will be judged on their relevance for the ubicomp community, level of innovation, technical merit, conceptual contribution and the potential to include participation by conference attendees. Furthermore, to make a successful demo submission, you need to have a strategy to present visitors the main points in a short time. You must also convince the committee that you are capable of installing and running the demo at the conference.

Demonstrations do not have the same requirements on originality as papers and posters. It is acceptable to submit a demonstration even if the main points have been published at the UbiComp conference (including this year) or elsewhere. However, the demonstration format should still add significantly to any previous presentations. To make it easier to judge this, you must provide a complete history of previous presentations of the submitted work and work directly related to it.

A demonstration is not the right forum to promote commercial products. In this case, please instead consider becoming a sponsor or exhibitor.


A demonstration submission requires two parts:

  1. A demonstration abstract that describes the technology being exhibited and discusses the novelty and distinguishing ideas or approaches it brings to the ubiquitous computing community. The demonstration abstract will be published in the Conference Supplement and should therefore be self-contained. It should be a maximum of 2 pages, in the ACM SIGCHI conference publications format, including all figures and references. Please make sure that your submitted abstract complies to all the formatting guidelines and is ready for publication, since there will be no time to make major revisions.
  2. A demonstration supplement that details how the demo will be executed in practice, and how visitors will interact with it during the conference. The interaction can be described in the form of a short usage scenario, storyboard sketch, screenshots, illustrations, photos, and/or video documentation. The demonstration supplement should also include the various technical requirements such as preferred setting, space, power, networking, lighting, acoustical, and other special equipment. A demonstration supplement submission template is available at the bottom of this webpage. Demonstration supplement materials are for the purposes of review only and will not be published. A template for demonstration supplements is provided below.

Your submission should be sent as a single PDF file to the following address: demos-2006@ubicomp.org. The subject line should read: UbiComp Demo Submission - NAME OF MAIN CONTACT. The name of the attached file should similarly be: NAME OF MAIN CONTACT.pdf. Links to additional material (videos, etc.) should be included both in the mail and in the supplement.

You will be required to install your demonstration in the conference venue on September 17, and have it packed away by the end of the conference, on September 21.

You are required to have your demonstration up and running throughout the Demonstrations and Poster Reception. In addition, we strongly encourage you to have your demo staffed and available throughout the conference, especially during breaks.

The conference will at minimum provide a space for your demo, a table and chairs, and a power connection. If you need any special equipment you should provide that yourself, including projectors, audio amplification, wireless LAN, etc. Please specify all needs in your demonstration supplement so that we can plan the demo area accordingly.

The SIGCHI conference publications format can be found at: http://sigchi.org/chipubform/.
The Demonstrations Supplement template can be downloaded by clicking here.

Demo Co-Chairs:

Julian Bleecker
University of Southern California,

Khai N. Truong
University of Toronto,

Formats accepted: Please use the SIGCHI conference publications format (see http://sigchi.org/chipubform/). The Demonstrations Supplement template can be downloaded from here.

Abstract Page limit: 2 pages (ACM SIGCHI conference publications format)

Submission Deadline: June 16, 2006
Acceptance Notification: July 14, 2006
Final Version Due: August 4, 2006

Call for Workshops

Submission of workshop proposals is now closed. We are now accepting position papers for participation in the scheduled workshops.

The Ubicomp 2006 Workshop Co-Chairs invite proposals for the workshop program of the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. The workshops will be held in the same hotel as the main conference, the Newport Beach Marriott in California. This year, the workshop program will be extended to two days, Sunday and Monday, September 17th and 18th, 2006 prior to the main conference. Workshops can be one or two days long.

Workshops provide an opportunity to discuss and explore specific areas of ubiquitous computing research with a group of interested researchers and practitioners. Workshops may focus on any aspect of ubiquitous computing: emerging topics, established concerns, or new ideas. The goal of the workshops is to share understandings and experiences, to foster research communities, to learn from each other and to envision future directions. Some workshops produce proceedings or special journal issues.

Important Dates
Submission Deadline (workshop proposals): March 31, 2006
Acceptance Notification (workshop proposals): April 28, 2006
Distribution of Accepted Workshop CfPs: May 8, 2006
Submission Deadline (workshop position papers): June 16, 2006
Acceptance Notification (workshop position papers): July 24, 2006
Workshops: September 17-18, 2006
UbiComp Main Conference: September 19-21, 2006

Proposal Content

We are soliciting proposals for workshops that provide catalysts and opportunities for discussion that go beyond the speaker/audience setup of the main conference. We encourage having an international team of organizers from different institutions for each workshop. We will aim for a balanced workshop program avoiding overlapping themes. Organizers are expected to be active themselves in the field where they propose a workshop. Please feel free to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal by email with the workshop co-chairs prior to submission. Workshop proposals should be no longer than 4 pages in the ACM SIGCHI conference publications format, and should include:

  • Name of workshop and proposed URL of site to host CfP, program, etc.
  • An abstract-length summary (~150 words) describing the theme(s) of the workshop
  • A longer description of the workshop format, activities, and goals. E.g. will there be oral presentations, posters, discussion groups?
  • A list of the specific topics of interest
  • Names, affiliations, and research interests of the organizers
  • Length of the workshop, one or two days
  • Who do you expect to attend the workshop?
  • How do you plan to attract submissions and/or participants?
  • How many participants do you expect?
  • How will you facilitate discussion among the participants?
  • What is the expected outcome of the workshop? Will there be a tangible record?
  • How do you plan to organize the workshop (participation selection, time line, type of contributions)?
  • What is the expected agenda for the workshop?

Please email your proposal, as a PDF attachment, directly to the Workshop Chairs, at workshops-2006@ubicomp.org.

Organizers’ Responsibilities

The organizers of the individual workshops are expected to:

  • Publicize the workshop with a call for participation via the Web and email
  • Encourage potential participants to submit short position papers
  • Select participants based on position papers
  • Send accept/reject decisions on position papers by 24 July 2006
  • Distribute accepted position papers to workshop participants
  • Actively run the workshop on the designation day(s)

Workshop Support

The UbiComp 2006 organizing committee will support the workshops in the following ways:

  • Announce accepted workshops via the UbiComp 2006 email distribution list
  • Publicize abstracts of workshops on the UbiComp 2006 Web site and point to individual workshop URLs
  • Provide private rooms and A/V equipment for each workshop
  • Publish abstracts of workshops in the conference supplement that will be given to conference attendees

Workshop Co-Chairs

Ken Anderson, Intel Research, ken.anderson at intel.com
John Krumm, Microsoft Research, jckrumm at microsoft.com

CFP: Doctoral Colloquium

The Doctoral Colloquium is a forum in which Ph.D. students can meet and discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced UbiComp researchers and practitioners.

We welcome applicants from a broad range of disciplines and approaches that inform ubiquitous computing, including computer science, engineering, cognitive science, sociology, and related fields. Applicants should be beyond the proposal stage and into the substance of their dissertation research.
The Colloquium committee will select approximately 10 participants who will each receive a grant to support in part their participation at the conference (details forthcoming). Participants will be expected to give short, informal presentations of their work during the Colloquium, to be followed by a discussion.

Submissions should be no longer than 2 pages including an abstract of no more than 100 words and a description of the work in progress. In addition, a 2-3 paragraph biographical sketch should be supplied, indicating the name and affiliation of any advisors/co-advisors for the research, and including the anticipated date of completion of thesis research. Submissions should be formatted according to the ACM SIGCHI conference publications format. In addition, a reference letter from the thesis advisor should be submitted along with the application.

The Doctoral Colloquium will be held on either Sunday 17th or Monday 18th September (TBD). Doctoral Colloquium participants will also have an opportunity to participate in the Posters session. Doctoral Colloquium papers will be published in the Conference Supplement that will be circulated to attendees at the conference; they will not be incorporated into the main UbiComp 2006 Conference Proceedings.

Submissions should be sent directly by email to the DC chairs (below).

Doctoral Colloquium Chairs:
Gregory Abowd, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Beki Grinter, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Contact: doc-colloquium-2006 (at) ubicomp.org

Page limit: 2 pages (ACM SIGCHI conference publications format) plus 2-3 paragraph biographical sketch plus advisor reference letter.

Deadline: June 12 2006
Acceptance Notification: July 19 2006
Final Version Due: TBD

Call for Posters

Poster Submission Deadline: June 16th, 2006

The Posters category provides researchers with an opportunity to present work in a forum that facilitates open discussion, and enables authors to interact directly with conference attendees. In the Posters category, we encourage the submission of late-breaking, preliminary, or exploratory work, smaller projects or results not suitable for a full paper, and any other research that authors wish to present in an interactive, open forum.

Poster submissions should include an extended abstract of no longer than 2 pages in the ACM SIGCHI conference publications format, including all figures and references. Submissions may also include an optional single page describing or illustrating the proposed poster. This page is should convey to reviewers visual aspects of the poster that may not come across in the abstract, for example including a key graphic to be used in the poster. This supplemental page is for review purposes only and will not be published.

Posters should be submitted to the following upload site: http://siio.jp/u2006/

Accepted 2-page Poster abstracts will be published in a Conference Supplement that will be distributed to attendees at the conference; they will not be incorporated into the main UbiComp 2006 Conference Proceedings.

Posters Chairs

Itiro Siio (Ochanomizu University, Japan)
Beverly Harrison (Intel Research, USA)

Important Dates

Deadline for submission: June 16, 2006
Acceptance Notification: July 14, 2006
Final Version Due: August 1, 2006

Instructions for Authors

Preparing papers

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Springer LNCS guidelines. Formatting instructions and templates for various text preparation systems can be found at the Springer web site [http://www.springer.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-164-2-72376-0,00.html]. Papers should be no more than 18 pages in length (this is a limit, not a requirement).

Ubicomp employs a double-blind review process. Please prepare an anonymous submission, without listing the names or affiliations of authors, nor acknowledgments of collaborations or funding support. Citations to your own previous work should be in the third person where appropriate, or simply anonymized if this is not possible.

Submitting papers

Paper submissions are being handled by the EDAS system [http:// edas.info/]. You will require an EDAS account in order to be able to submit their paper (this can be created during the submission process). Submission can be carried out as follows:

1. Visit http://edas.info and click on 'go to the current list of conferences and special issues'. You will be asked to login (or create a user account then login as appropriate).

2. Click on the 'submit paper' link at top left of the page and either locate 'Ubicomp 2006' from the list of conferences accepting submissions and click on the 'new paper icon' (or click here [http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=4736&] to skip directly to the paper submission screen.)

3. Paper submission is two phase. You need first to register your paper (title, authors, abstract and select categories that best reflect the content of the paper). We ask you to complete the entire form as the keywords will help us in assigning reviewers with the most appropriate expertise to review your work. Once you hit 'submit' you are able to add your co-authors.

4. You can click on the 'manuscript' icon to upload the PDF version of your paper. You can continue to upload revised versions up until the submission deadline (31st March 2006, 5pm PST).

UbiComp 2006 Open Session

Do you have something you want to say about ubiquitous computing? Do you want to say it at the premiere international conference in the field?

We invite you to submit your work and ideas to a new type of track at the UbiComp 2006 conference - the UbiComp Open Session

More Information about the UbiComp Open Session

The UbiComp Open Session welcomes controversial ideas, novel prototypes, failed but valuable user studies, bold experiments, and anything else that can give a fresh perspective on ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence, information appliances, smart artefacts and mobile applications. We particularly invite submissions that explore technical or practical limitations in current ubicomp technologies; that introduce promising, although currently non-viable, ubicomp technologies; that critique the current state of ubicomp, or assumptions in the field; and that explore topics outside current discussion in the field.

The UbiComp conference is the leading venue to present results in ubiquitous computing. It is also highly competitive, in particular for paper presentations. Therefore we will experiment with a new form of submission and review process, where everything is completely open. We will use a novel on-line reviewing system, from which the chairs will select approximately six submissions to be presented in a high-profile session at UbiComp 2006.

The UbiComp Open Session is:

  • Open format: everything can be submitted, everything will be considered
  • Open reviewing: reviews and discussions will take place publicly on-line and non-anonymously
  • Open presentations: traditional paper presentations are fully acceptable, but if you want to build a system from scratch, perform a stand-up comedy routine, run a live demo, organize an audience participation event, or anything else, feel free!
  • Open for business: come and join us at UbiComp 2006!

Lars Erik Holmquist, Viktoria Institute and IT University of Göteborg, leh@viktoria.se
Barry Brown, University of Glasgow, barry@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Session Chair:
Gregory Abowd, Georgia Tech, abowd@cc.gatech.edu

Mattias Rost, Viktoria Institute and IT University of Göteborg, rost@viktoria.se

Selected Volunteers and the Waitlist (as of 9/14/2006)

Richard Arthur Brigham Young University US
Yaw Anokwa University of Washington US
Judy Chen UC Irvine US
Eugen Yu RWTH Aachen - Germany DE
Alireza Sahami Shirazi RWTH Aachen University DE
Yusuke Sato Shibaura Institute of Technology JP
Johanna Brewer UC Irvine US
Erika Shehan Georgia Institute of Technology US
Charlotte Tang University of Calgary CA
Matthias Kranz University of Munich DE
Nick Noack Unviersity of California Irvine US
Julie Kientz Georgia Institute of Technology US
Arianna Bassoli The London School of Economics GB
Shadi Shariat UC Irvine US
Iqbal Mohomed University of Toronto CA
David Nguyen UC Irvine US
Timothy "Scott" Saponas University of Washington US
Paul DiGioia UC Irvine US
Amanda Williams UC Irvine US
Ankur Gupta NJIT IN
Jeff Hughes University of Washington US
Sameer Patil University of California, Irvine US
Tammy Toscos Indiana University US
Amaya Becvar UC San Diego US
Man Lok (Simon) Yau University of California, Irvine US
Saranya Saetang University of Bath GB
Daniel Avrahami CMU, HCII US
Susan Wyche GVU Center @ GaTech GB

The updated waitlist, sorted by rank:

Max Van Kleek MIT US
Hung Quoc Ngo Kyung Hee University KR
Di Ma UC Irvine SG
Yufen Jiang Simon Fraser UNiversity CA
Marcela Musgrove Technical University Eindhoven NL
Ashok Kumar Pant Pokhara University NP
Dikaios Papadogkonas Birkbeck College University of London GB
Urs Bischoff Lancaster University GB
Silvia Lindtner UCIrvine DE
Monica Tentori CICESE MX
Myrna Selene Zamarripa Parra CICESE MX
Furquan Kidwai University of Bristol GB
Noah Keating University of Southern California - Interactive Media Division US
Sven Kratz RWTH Aachen DE
Sandra B Fan University of Washington US
Sheena Lewis Georgia Institute of Technology US
Marshini Chetty Georgia Institute of Technology US
Jim Wallace Dalhousie University CA
Jon Froehlich University of Washington US
John Roberts UCSB US
Rex Chen UC Irvine US
Nicolai Marquardt Bauhaus University Weimar DE
Kevin Li UC San Diego US
Steve Ricken NJIT US
Roshni Malani UCSD US
David Hsiao University of Michigan US
Mahsa Jenabi RWTH Aachen University DE
Jam Jenkins Duke University US
Yevgeniy Medynskiy Georgia Tech US
Yong Liu Indiana University Bloomington US
Susanna Nilsson Computer Science, Human-centred systems SE
Min Kyung Lee Carnegie Mellon University US
Yee-Loo FOO Univ. of Tokyo JP
Louise Welfare University of Sussex, Brighton GB
Nima Motamedi Simon Fraser University CA
Shivam Goyal Georgia Institute of Technology US
Kashif Iqbal Digital Enterprise Research Institute, NUI,Galway IE
Hyoseok Yoon Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology KR
Dalia Khader university of bath GB
Kenghao Chang UC berkeley this fall, current Natl Taiwan Univ. US
Cindy Stanford Wichita State University US
Olga Khroustaleva University of Michigan US
Achir Kalra New Jersey Institute of Technology US
William R. Hazlewood Indiana University School of Informatics US
Yang Wang UC-Irvine CN
Chayan Chakrabarti University of California, Irvine US
Leif Oppermann University of Nottingham GB
Riad Lemhachheche Oregon State University US
Daniel Ashbrook Georgia Tech US
Anna Vallg�rda IT-University, Copenhagen DK
Tingfan Wu (will be in August) Dept CSE, UCSD TW
Abdullah Al Mahmud Technische Universiteit Eindhoven(TU/e) NL
Hannah Regier Art Center College of Design US
Heather Wiltse IUPUI US
Jay Summet GaTech US
Jenn Thom-Santelli Cornell US
Michael Massimi University of Toronto CA
Jennifer A. Rode University of California, Irvine US
Kimberly Tee University of Calgary CA
Cristen Torrey Carnegie Mellon University US
Elba Abigail Morales UABC University MX
Jessica L'Esperance Michigan School of Information US
Yoosoo Oh GIST U-VR Lab. KR
June Zhang Stanford University US
Lan Guo Georgia Tech US
lucy dunne University College Dublin IE
Rich Schuler New Jersey Institute of Technology US
Sejin Oh GIST KR
Jessica Elliott Georgia Tech US
N Rajitha ISS College of Engg & Tech IN
Bernard Ghanem University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US
Miten Sampat Virginia Tech US
Scott Davidoff Carnegie Mellon US
Katherine Mancuso Emory University US
Zahid Anwar University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US
Karen Tang Carnegie Mellon University US
Eric Baumer UC Irvine US
Jun Gong Northeastern University US
Anne Faber Indiana University US
Greg Elliott University of California, Irvine US
Dan Perkel UC Berkeley US
Steven Dow Georgia Institute of Technology US
Alan Liu University of Washington US
Germine Seide Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology JP
James Gilpin University of the arts London (London college of communication) GB
Abdullah Al Moti Sifuddin Royal Institute of Technology SE
Amy Hurst Carnegie Mellon University US
Jonathan Diehl RWTH Aachen DE
Leonardo Galicia CICESE MX
Abdel Mejía CICESE MX
Ali Reza Sahami RWTH Aachen University DE
David Boladji university of jos ZA
Faisal GIST KR
Nithya Sambasivan Georgia Tech US
Sanil Paul NJIT US
Manish Agarwal Indian School of Mines IN
Nathaniel Laws New Jersey Institute of Technology US
Gunny Lee Stanford US
Xianghua Ding UCI US
Yi-Chao Chen National Taiwan University TW
Andrea Moed UC Berkeley School of Information US
Anupama Sharma San Francisco State University US
Jennifer Carter CATLAB - ECE - UNH US
Edward Bourbeau, CATLAB - ECE - UNH US
Christopher Gaudreau CATLAB - ECE - UNH US

Call for Student Volunteers

Student volunteers provide the backbone of any successful conference. Accepted volunteers are expected to work in scheduled sessions during the conference, but will also be given great opportunities to attend the program and socialize. All student volunteers will receive a free registration to the conference (including meals & special events).

The deadline for SV applications for UbiComp 2006 is July 10. Notification of accepted and waitlisted SV's should be two weeks later. The sign up for the positions is now online at http://gillianhayes.com/ubiSV/UbiSVapplication.html.

Contact the student volunteer chairs for more information: Amir Haghighat (ahaghigh@ics.uci.edu) or Gillian Hayes (gillian [at] cc [dot] gatech [dot] edu)