UbiComp 2003, the Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, was held October 12-15, 2003 in Seattle, Washington. The annual conference provides the premier forum in which to present research results in all areas relating to the design, implementation, application and evaluation of ubiquitous computing technologies, bringing together leading researchers from a variety of disciplines and geographical areas who are exploring the frontiers of computing as it moves beyond the desktop and becomes increasingly interwoven into the fabrics of our lives.

This year's conference included an inspiring keynote by William Mitchell, a provocative panel on "Mobile Play: Blogging, Tagging, and Messaging" and a collection of high quality papers and technical notes. The main conference was preceded by a diverse collection of workshops (many of which have posted copies of the papers that were presented). A special 4-hour reception on Monday evening featured a large and diverse collection of Demonstrations, Interactive Posters, Videos and Exhibits, offering attendees many opportunities to directly experience ubiquitous computing for themselves. The Conference Banquet, at the Pacific Science Center, was held on Tuesday evening.

Over 500 people attended the conference, representing 4 continents, 26 countries and a wide variety of disciplines and perspectives. Although the conference is over, we encourage you to continue your discussions online. Copies of last year's Conference Proceedings can be ordered from Springer.

Ubicomp 2003 Adjunct Proceedings (PDF).

Thanks to everyone who made the conference such a success, and we look forward to seeing you at UbiComp 2004 in Nottingham, UK!

Conference Chair:
Joe McCarthy,
(Intel Research, Seattle, USA, mccarthy@intel-research.net
Program Co-Chairs:
Anind K. Dey,
(Intel Research, Berkeley, USA, anind@intel-research.net
Albrecht Schmidt,
(University of Munich, Germany, albrecht@comp.lancs.ac.uk