Call for Participation Advice for Authors Electronic Submission Final Program Conference Workshops Keynote Address Online Registration Conference Venue / Hotel Local Activities Conference Committee Program Committee Student Volunteers IN COOPERATION SIGCHI SIGMOBILE SIGSOFT PREVIOUS EVENTS HUC 2000 HUC '99 SPONSORS |
Sheraton Colony Square Hotel Atlanta, Georgia General Chair: Gregory D. Abowd, Georgia Tech Program Co-Chair: Steve Shafer, Microsoft Research Program Co-Chair: Barry Brumitt, Microsoft Research UBICOMP 2001, the next conference in the series formerly called Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing, aims to be the premier forum for presentation of research results in all areas relating to the design, implementation, application and evaluation of ubiquitous computing technologies. It will bring together research practitioners in all disciplines developing the new paradigm of computing off-the-desktop that moves towards the notion of a disappearing or invisible computer. Thanks to Springer, you can now view the proceedings online! View them at either their European or American sites. |